We read these books about sweet little kitty cats for part of our Cats and Dogs Weekly Preschool Theme. There are lots of good choices for all ages!
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Millions of Cats by Wanda Ga'g
Millions of Cats is an old fashioned story that my girls both love. A man goes to find a cat for his beloved wife and ends up coming home with millions of them, since he can't choose which one he likes best. The illustrations are simple black and white line drawings. Part of the story includes all of the cats eating each other (!) but we just change that part and say that the cats all run away! This story is fun for toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary children.
Bits & Pieces by Judy Schachner
Bits & Pieces is by the same author as the Skippyjon Jones series, Judy Schachner. If you're a fan of Skippyjon, you'll like this story as well!
Three Little Kittens by Jerry Pinkney
This book is a classic Mother Goose rhyme, with colorful and rich illustrations. I'll admit that I didn't care for the illustrations at first-- I thought they were too messy. But over the years I've really come to appreciate them and think that they're perfect for this rhyme! The little kittens lose their mittens and then have to earn their way back into their mother's graces.
Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes by James Dean
We became big fans of the Pete the Cat series this week! Each of the stories is made to go along with a little song that you can find online. They're so catchy, I found myself singing them all week! This particular story is all about Pete and his shoes, which turn different colors as he steps in different messy things. It's a fantastic color book, and also has a great message of going with the flow. Pete doesn't get upset when his shoes get dirty-- he just keeps on singing! My girls especially need to hear this message about a million times! These books are great for toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary aged children.
If You Give a Cat a Cupcake by Laura Numeroff
Laura Numeroff knows how to do nonsense cause and effect! This installment in her "If You Give..." series is just as cute as all her others.
Have You Seen My Cat? by Eric Carle
This is a great simple board book for toddlers or young preschoolers. A little boy goes around the world, asking if people have seen his cat. Everyone points him to a cat, but none of them are his cat. The cats he does see, however, are all the major big cats of the world-- jaguars, leopards, and the like. The text is very repetitive, which is great for your youngest listeners. And the artwork, of course, is beautiful collage Eric Carle work!
Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat, Are You Waking Up? by Bill Martin Jr. and Michael Sampson
I'm sure I'm not the only mom out there who can relate to this story! Kitty Cat is supposed to be getting himself up and ready for the day. But he is just so poky and distractible! This is a sweet story that Lena and I smiled all the way through! Kitty Cat's mommy is so patient and kind to him throughout the morning, and I'll admit that it inspired me to be a little bit more patient with my own little slow poke! Toddlers and preschoolers will enjoy this story.
Hondo & Fabian by Peter McCarty
Hondo and Fabian is a beautiful book about a dog and cat who live together. In this story, Hondo, the dog, goes out on an adventure for the day while Fabian, the cat, stays home and has adventures of his own with the family's baby. The illustrations make this book, as the story itself is quite simple. They're soft and sweet, and the animals faces are so expressive! Your toddlers, and preschoolers will love this story.
Fabian Escapes by Peter McCarty
In Fabian Escapes, the roles are reversed and Fabian goes out while Hondo stays home. This book is just as sweet and charming as Hondo and Fabian!
You can find lots more fun activities for kids about cats (and dogs!) on the What Can We Do With Paper And Glue Pinterest board below.
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